Tuesday, November 24, 2009

November 24 and Birthday Buddies

Today is November 24th, Eric's and Shane's birthday!  That's right, I had two babies on November 24, 13 years apart.  Eric is 30 today and Shane is 17.  I remember each of their births so clearly.

Eric came so fast . . . exactly two hours from the first pain til he arrived!  And his personality was so evident even during his delivery.  I awoke around 5:30 in the morning with an uncomfortable feeling.  As soon as I got up, I began having timeable contractions.  I went on to the ER and when they checked me, I wasn't dialated enough for them to send me upstairs to the Labor ward.  So they told me to walk and Doug and I walked around to the hospital entrance there at the Kaiser Hospital in Hayard, CA.  But when we started back to the ER, I doubled over in pain.  Doug was barely able to help me back to the ER.  They took one look at me and sent me upstairs to Labor and Delivery.

When we arrived upstairs, we found that all the Labor rooms were filled and that's why ER didn't want to send me upstairs.  So they calmly put me on a gurney in the hallway.  But Eric was determined that we were going into the delivery room next, and so he immediately started his descent down the birth canal.  My water broke with a gush!  I started screaming and that brought the doctor and nurses (and Doug, who was sitting out in the waiting room) in a hurry.  The doctor and Doug met me at the Delivery Room doors with only their arms in their surgical gowns.  I was hurriedly pushed over onto the delivery table and there wasn't even time to adjust the stirrups or mirror so that I could watch the birth!  The doctor told me I could push and (I had always heard that in natural childbirth, there is immense relief when you can finally push and they were so right!!!) after one or so pushes, out Eric popped!  I was so humiliated by the manner in which he was born that I needed some time just to get myself together before holding Eric for the first time.  But within just a short time, I felt good enough to go home.  But, of course, the hospital wouldn't allow that.

Eric has been full-steam ahead ever since that day.  What ever he sets his mind to, he does.  Whenever Eric decides to do something, he does it right then!  Eric has always been upfront and transparent.  Life with him has never been dull!  And now today, tempered especially by having a son of his own, he is still full steam ahead, but now that energy has compaasion mixed in it.  He now knows the importance of family and he is vocal about maintaining unity within his extended family.  Eric, I've always been thankful that God entrusted you to us to raise,  but now I consider you not only my son, but my friend.  Happy Birthday Eric, and thank you Lord, for allowing me to be his mother.

Shane was born on a Tuesday morning, Eric's 13th birthday.  When Doug and I were leaving for the hospital early that morning (my mom was at our house to get the boys ready for school and watch Alyssa), Eric stopped me and said, "Mom, you did alright!  [meaning he was pleased that he would have a sibling born on his special day]

Shane was born in Duncan, Oklahoma at the hospital there.   Dr. Stewart was in family practice, but he was a great doctor.  After he checked me, he immediately started the epidural, and later told me that it was a good thing I didn't try have the baby natural.  The cord was wrapped around the baby's neck twice and he (Dr. Stewart) was afraid that a natural birth would have meant a pro-longed labor and more stress upon Shane than would have been safe.

With Shane, my pains started at home and my water began to leak, but everything stopped while we were on our way to Duncan from Ringling, via Pinto Rd.  Pinto Rd. was a cut-through from one highway to another highway on the way to the hospital, but it was in poor condition and very bumpy -- altogether a rough ride!  When I got to the hospital, the nurse was aggravated that my pains had stopped [I guess that she thought I made up the supposed pains], but as soon as she began to check me, my water completely broke and ultimately, that meant I had to stay at the hospital and they couldn't send me back home.  But as soon as my water broke, my pains began in earnest.  And shortly after receiving the epidural, Dr. Stewart slipped the cord off of Shane's neck, and he was born.

Doug's mom and dad drove to the hospital that day and so our whole family was there!  Other than Scott's birth, Shane's birth was the only other one that Doug's parents attended.  It was a special day.  It was two days before Thanksgiving (while Eric's was two days after Thanksgiving), but after having had a hemorrhoidectomy after Alyssa's birth, you would think that I would have been a little wiser when I couldn't figure out the immense pain I was having in that general area!  I went home the next day, but on Thanksgiving Day, I went back to the ER to have my hemorrhoid lanced.  I know, TMI!

Shane has been a laid-back joy.  Whereas Eric weighed 8 lb, 8 oz., Shane weighed a whopping [well, at least at the time, I thought it was a whopping] 9 lb. 2 oz.  He became "Shanie" to us, "Fane" to Alyssa, since she couldn't pronounce her 'S's.  He started school at age four and will graduate at 17 and begin his college years before age 18.  So, thank you Lord, for entrusting Shane to us 17 years ago today.  He's been an immense blessing and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in his life!  Happy Birthday, and we love you Shane!

Most of all, I thank you Lord, for your sense of humor in allowing me to have two November 24 birthday buddies.  It's been fun, hasn't it?

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