Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do I Stink?

Dylan made an astute observation tonight at the Fish Fry.  He said, "All these ladies claim to be your friends.  Yet, none of them will sit by you."  Well, Dylan, I've wondered the same thing.  I told Dylan that I've gotten to the point where it doesn't hurt my feelings any more, but was I really telling him the truth when I said that?  I don't want to sound like I'm whining, but I've asked myself what it is about me that causes people, women who claim to love me girlfriend, not to want to be with me at social events.  Do I not try hard enough?  You would think that cliques shouldn't cause a woman my age any concern . . . but they do, and they cause those same insecurities I had as a teenager to pop right up front and center!  And what's really funny is that just yesterday one of those very women who wouldn't sit by me tonight said to me as we were talking about cliques, " . . . do I stink?"  Makes me wonder . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Judy, I would have sat with you even if you DID stink!!! But. . . I doubt you do! I'm sorry people are like that. Makes me want to come to Celina and sit with you right this minute!! I'm sure you do not stink!! LOL!
